Barisal Division |

it has a long local gossip it`s found that ,there was a king madhop chondea .at that time the local people found very much want of water.ponds r dried .the Queen gave advise to the king to dug a big pond .so the king took the decision of digging of a pond.and the king also announced that how far the queen want the pond would as like that.digging the pond ended successfully .but alas there was no water also in that night the king saw a dream that someone said him when someone gave him/her life in that pond.the whole kingdom would full with water.when heard this the queen (durga) decide that she will sacrificed her life.when she enter into the pond ,whole pond covered by water but in the middle there made a mini island own .it say that the queen turned into the island.after that we know that as durga sagor..